

A Cat Was Sitting On A Stove
Katinas ant pečiaus sëdëjo

The game is very lively, cheerful and suits for kids of different age groups. The dance is developing kids’ nimbleness, reaction.

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The sequence of the game

The kids are standing in a tight circle, so that there are no gaps between them, facing the centre, and holding their hands behind their backs. One player is standing close to the circle, and holding something like a towel or scarf, wrapped tightly in his hand.

1. Standing in a circle

(8 bars)

1 - 8 bars

“ A cat was sitting on a stove, had a mouse in his mouth”

Standing in a tight circle, all kids are singing. The one, who has a scarf, goes round the circle, and secretly gives it to anyone in a circle, pretending that nothing has happened, he goes round the circle further, till the text of the song is finished. Then he stands into a circle.

2. Running afterwards and beating

(8 bars)

1 - 8 bars

The players are singing:

“They will beat a cat, without looking where”

The one, who got the scarf, starts beating his neighbour on the right. The latter starts running round the circle to his place, and the one who beats him, is running afterwards.


When the beaten player is back in his place, kids start singing and playing from the beginning. Now the scarf round the circle is carried by the one, who has been running afterwards his neighbour. Kids play until they are bored.

