
Lithuanian Ethnoastronomy

3. The Moon and the Farming Calendar

Many inhabitants of Lithuania believe to this day that the changes in the phases of the Moon affect the organic nature. Therefore it is believed that the farming should be carried out in agreement with the phases of the Moon.

Records of the effects of the Moon phases are best preserved records of the ethnoastronomy . They appeared because of their practical application in the agriculture. In revising the records certain discrepancies are seen and they are accounted for by the rapid deterioration of the ethnoastronomical information. Yet, on having analyzed the body of the accumulated information we have attempted to define the central views on the effects of the Moon phases on the processes of the Earth. In discussing the effects of the Moon phases mostly were used J.Balys publications in LTA (Balys 1986, 155-169).

Depending on the material it is possible to discriminate two main periods according to the effects caused by the Moon phases:

1) Waxing Moon (growing)
2) Waning Moon (depleting).

The process started on the Earth in different periods receives different developmental impact from the Moon. The character of the impact is well defined by the observable change of the Moon itself. Everything that starts in the first period is growing, everything that begins in the second period is lessening. Yet on closer view the situation appears to be more complicated.

In the first part of the first period when the Moon is growing from the crescent to the half-moon many processes develop quicker in the sense of the vegetation intensity. It appears that the Moon affects the strife towards light, upwards. It is said that the plants then shoot up and grow leaves, blossom and even the basement stones for the new building or the poles for the fence rise up. The universal growth, luxuriance, humidity, liquidity and also delicateness, softness and weakness characterize this period. Though active vegetation takes place it is not constructive and does not bear the fruit of desired quality. This is the period for the parasites to spread.

When the Moon was young mostly the cereals were sown, especially the spring-crops, planted and replanted flowers. Also it was a good time to cut hair, to shear sheep and trim horses tails, to cut hay and clover (to make them grow better and be of better quality), hens are expected to perch (to perch more hens than roosters and they could lay more eggs), the cows were coupled (to conceive female calves) etc. But because of the above reasons a lot of things in this period were forbidden. It was not recommended to plant leguminous plants, rye and many vegetables. It was expected that their period of efflorescence may be too long and profuse but the fruit will not be good and worm ridden. This was unsuitable period for:

- putting the crop into the granary and thrashing because the grain will be besieged by rats;
- building structures, laying fire stoves, cleaning chimneys, digging new and repairing old wells (because they may be raided by different parasites);
- making and cleaning clothes, taking baths (the body will grow itchy and become lousy);
- spinning (because the thread will not be strong);
- weaving (because the thread will be uneven);
- slaughtering pigs (the meet will not keep and rot soon, also will lose its taste);
- pickling cabbage (because it will be soft, slimy and rot quickly).

Besides it is believed that the cattle born during the period will be weak, scary, grow slowly and are not suitable for the breeding. The cow that is born in the new Moon may be easily cast spell by the wicked eye and give little milk. A human born in the young Moon stays young for a long time, but is not resistant to diseases, to bad spells and is shy.

In the second half of the first period when the Moon is waxing towards the half-moon phase the processes started on the Earth also develop in the same line but the growth becomes more constructive and bears a worthy and mature fruit. The job started at this period is oriented towards favorable completion and plants give mature fruit. It is recommended:

- to cut crop and take it to the granary ( because it guarantees full depositories and the crop will be in abundance for the whole year);
- make nets, catch fish (because the nets will be full);
- make traps (because they will catch birds, weasels and rats well);
- to pick eggs for hatching (hens will be larger);
- to make the nests for hatching and let the hen hatch (all the eggs will be full and the shell break easily);
- to spin and weave (the work will go easily);
- to bleach the cloth (it will be white as the full Moon);
- to couple the cows (because they will be fertile);
- to plant vegetables (because the harvest will be good);
- to slaughter pigs (the meet will be tastier, and will expand by boiling).

In conclusion it is marked that the half Moon is a good time for all farming because everything will take a good turn.

Though the whole of the second period is oriented towards waning and weakening but separately taken phases of the period are distinguished by some peculiarities. Often it is considered that the waning of the Moon since the Full Moon to the third quarter of its full phase is the least favorable period to start any kind of activities. Everything that is done in this period is deemed to disappear and to wane. Yet the period that starts after the third quarter of the Moon phase gives some constructive power to the waning. Therefore the crescent of the waning Moon (senagalys, delčiagalys) is again considered favorable to all undertakings. The works started at this period are oriented towards conservatism or to sterility. For example the meat of the slaughtered pig keeps long, worms do not raid it and the buildings started at that period keep clean form parasites. Besides it is believed that the plants put to earth in this period grow under the earth, i.e. their root system becomes stronger, tubers grow well (this is the time to plant potatoes, turnips and others). It appears as if there suddenly emerge downward leading powers of the Earth. It is even believed that the basement stones for the new building laid down at the period go deeper into the Earth (cf. the earlier believe of the stones rising out when laid in the new Moon).

When the Moon is waning it is recommended:

- to plough fallow, to turn stubble-field (the old rye will not be eaten by worms, no weeds will grow, the roots of rye will be better);
- to plough the soil for the winter crops (because the turf will quickly rot);
- to bring the crops into the granary because mice will not attack them;
- to build houses, to build fireplaces (no mice , no parasites inside);
- try to plan hatching for that period (because all the birds will be disease resistant);
- air the wardrobe (to avoid the moth);
- to take bath (the body will not itch, and have no lice);
- to build barrels (they will not be eaten by parasites) etc.

The best time for cleaning the place from parasites is considered the last Friday of the period.

By the end of the last phase of the Moon when the Moon disappears from the sky for 2-3 days the time is said to be empty and the work done during that period will give no result.

Bad time for planting the summer crops and the vegetables is the period when in the sky there meet both the Sun and the Moon. It is believed that the summer crop planted in the period will grow empty and the vegetables will go into blossom but will bear no seed.

