
Lithuanian Ethnoastronomy

5. Solar Eclipse

The significance of the Sun in our life is determined by the word ‘’Pasaulis’‘ (The World). The world is the abode of life under the Sun. Therefore it is not difficult to imagine what danger and what threat were signified by the eclipse for the observer from the past. The end of the world was the threat. Not till recent past the belief was still alive that during solar eclipse its best to stay at home, pray and beg God to forgive our sins and protect from disaster. When at home close window shutters and cover the windows. Sometimes lit candles and burn the Sunday palm flowers. The cattle would be kept inside the sheds in fear that during the solar eclipse they may contract a disease or get blind if they stay outside. It is said that during solar eclipse the cattle would make wild sounds and bend on their knees.

The reasons for solar eclipse are explained in different manner, it was believed that if the Sun went dark ‘‘very many people misbehaved, possibly, the priest himself. It is necessary to pray a lot to help’‘ (Gadlauskas, Đvenčionys region 1992); ‘‘went behind the mountains and the clouds (Ramonienë, Ignalina region 1992); ‘‘the Sun and the Moon rise together. The Moon comes first...’‘ (Stankevičienë, Ignalina region, 1992); ‘‘The Moon outshadows the Sun’‘ (Kliauzaitë, Plungë region, 1993); ‘‘the Sun is being held’‘ (Nađlënienë, Ignalina region 1989) or ‘‘spoiled’‘. Often the blame goes to the doings of the devil or a sorcerers. For instance, it is said: ‘‘The devil places its tail in between the Sun and the Earth (Ţeimelis); ‘‘the sorcerers turns on the other side to sleep and covers the Sun with her skirt (Balys 1951, 14); ‘‘The fairy riding on the horse causes the solar eclipse’‘ (Birutienë, Joniđkis area, 1995). In the attempt to scare away the forces that spoil the Sun the noise would be caused, by beating kitchen utensils, shouting, shooting.

