
FOLKLORE> DANCES> Paired dances


It is a slow and solemn dance, usually danced in one row, pair behind a pair.


The sequence of the dance

Dancers in a pair stand side by side, take each other’s inside hands, usually low.

1. Going for a walk (4 bars)

1-2 bar

Starting with the right foot, the dancers make four slow and simple steps forward (two steps per one 4/4 bar) (1 figure). The fourth step is made, turning half a circle, facing each other and joining other hands (2 figure).

1 figure





2 figure






3-4 bar

Dancers repeat the movements of 1 and 2 bar, but in the opposite direction.

They turn facing each other and stand with hands free in the end.

2.Going to the sides

1 bar

The dancers dance two additive steps right (3 figure).

3 figure






2 bar

In two additive steps they come back to their places(4 figure).

4 figure






3-4 bar

A man stands and a woman in four slow steps turns in the same place round her right shoulder all circle (5 figure).

5 figure


5-8 bar

Repetition of movements of 1-4 bar.


