
FOLKLORE> DANCES> Paired dances


It is a merry, energetic dance, very popular among young people. There are a lot of different variants of this dance, and here we provide one of the most popular variants.

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The sequence of the dance

The dancers stand in pairs and join both hands in a simple way low (the dancers can stand also in pairs in a row) (1 figure)

1. Dancing

(8 bars)

1-2 bar

The dancers starting with a right foot, dance two swinging-springing steps (step and jump on the same foot, while the other is slightly lifted crosswise).

1 figure


3-4 bar

Still joining hands in the same way, dancers in four running steps turn around one circle in the same place (2 figure).

2 figure





5-6 bar

The movements of 1-2 bar are repeated.


7-8 bar

Still joining hands in the same way, dancers turn round in three running steps in the same place and end in a jump*. In the end the dancers remain side by side, joining hands in a simple way low (3 figure).

3 figure

2. Going for a walk (8 bars)

1 bar

Dancers dance two running steps forward, starting with an outside leg (3 figure)


2 bar

Dancers dance swinging-springing step, starting with the outside feet further in the same direction. With joined hands they wave in the direction of movement.


3-4 bar

The movements of 1-2 bar are repeated in the opposite direction (4 figure).

4 figure



5-6 bar

Starting with the outside foot, dancers dance two swinging-springing steps.


7-8 bar

Joining both stretched hands, in two running steps and one jump, dancers turn around one circle in the same place (2 figure).


Further the dance is danced from the beginning.

